About Me-An Attempt

I am just a minute entity in the myriad of thoughts, reflections and introspection. The definition of "About Me" becomes a piecewise approach as opposed to an integrated one.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Friendship Conundrum

The general theory that goes with friendship is that it is relative to time. Over-time, I have had the pleasure of engaging with different people on the validity of this idea and have always had key take-away's from almost all of them. This automatically opens up the corollary -how does one measure longevity in friendship?

From personal experience there is no clear answer. But there has emerged a pattern to the means in attempting to find some solid ground. It is (and always has been) my belief that success or eqanimity in achieving similar platform between two friends is directly proportional to the time that is invested in the relationship. Over years, most of us have built upon a strikingly similar model.

Let's start with the school friends. The degree of variance here is the greatest in terms of branching out from school into different facets of life. Over time, it is also the toughest to sustain the longevity, since embracing future walks of life comes with good orthogonality. As a result, common topics of discussions, moral ground, individual maturity and opinions differ by such a large degree that losing touch naturally becomes the easy way out. Add to this the common trait of choosing or abandoning people based on likes, dislikes, physical appearances and the crap in-between. As always, there are exceptions to the rule and some have stood the test of time, literally. A point to contrast is here is the degree of fondness one associates with this period since most of the time is spent on playing and discussing sports.

As one progresses into college life, juxtaposed with adolescence, rebellion, freedom and independence, a common ground slowly emerges. One is surrounded by like-minded individuals whose pursuit falls within the gamut of one's own. As a result, the quality of friendship also reaches a measurable limit with ideas tending to similar objectives. One associates with his similar-minded individuals more and herein lies the key to maintaining longevity. The sample set and variance also tends to reach a limit in terms of varying degrees of interests, subject matter, social issues. So, a tighter group begins to emerge.

From here, when an individual progresses into graduate education, the longevity of the friendship tends to peak to it's highest point. Factor in the duration of the curriculum, time away from family and long study hours- one spends the largest time in the close proximity of friends. This automatically strengthens bonds between like-minded individuals whose immediate goals and objectives are the closest to one another. It should not then come as a surprise when the friends one makes during this time generally stand the test of time to a far greater degree. This, given the fact that distances between two friends generally lands up to be the largest, owing to professional calling, relocation for higher studies and spouses coming into the mixture.

I often subscribe to the view that an individual is assessed by the company he keeps. Today, the associations with some wonderful people has contributed significantly to who I am. It is quite remarkable that an outside being can contribute so significantly to your thought process, engage with you during turbulent times, admonish you over your mistakes, agonize over your sorrows, keeps you grounded after success and more importantly, knows when and how to be there. To this end, I will gladly declare that my cup is half-full. In return, I get to be a part of their growth, maturity, parenthood and evolution. As the year draws to a close, I can fondly look back at the people who made me what I am and the people I can truly call my friends. And, no, you cannot quantify and put a price on that!

To give credit where it's due -this article is an offshoot of one of many stimulating conversations over a memorable trip with a close friend.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Konjee with Ka-Run

After a rather disconcerting time, the poor man was to experience more agony when the daringly stupid, remarkably atrocious and seemingly discombobulating Koffee with Karan was reintroduced. In recognition of a show that is so full of it, here is my humble condemnation....

Hello and welcome to Konjee with Ka-Run. In this poor man's show of the original, we will now attempt to bring to light several snoopy, distasteful and candid moments of those people who are of no use to anyone...Celebrities! In the first of many many excruciating shows, I, your host Ka-Run, will attempt to take you behind the scenes, bedrooms and bathrooms of all our favourite celebs. To mark the opening act of this enthralling show, I will now introduce you to our guest this evening, Ka-Ran.

(from somewhere the viewers can hear clapping and some door opens and our ahem, man of the moment appears blowing imaginary kisses to the microbes in the air)

Hello Ka-Ran, welcome to my show. It is indeed a displeasure to have you here. Since you are now one of the pioneer's of poor man's entertainment, how does it feel?

Muah-muah, oh Ka-Run dah-ling, thank you for having me on this show. Can I expect all my friends tonight? The same people again and again and again?

Well, Ka-Ran, you can. But, I can't. Since we do not have money to pay for the appearance of the same so-called A-list celebrities, it's only going to be you and I.

Oh, really. Muah-muah! I hope you are not resorting to any dirty pranks, no? You dirty boy!

Don't worry Ka-Ran. I would not even dream of it. Okay, let's get started. When you penned that super-duper magnum opus, Parson Ho Naa Ho, were you suffering from insomnia?

Oh, dah-ling..why would you say that?

Well, the movie was so long that I fell asleep even before the interval. So, I was wondering that only a ahem, man who is deprived of sleep can go on rambling about the story.

Oh, muah muah...we'll it was one of those days when I just wanted to bring out my deepest emotions, you know. As usual, I took my story to Aa-di and Jash uncle, they wanted me to bring more emotions into the story-line. Then as always, I took the story to my best buddies Ra-Sukh, Ka-Jol and Ra-Ni who were so overwhelmed by the plot that they wanted to add a few over-acting lines here and there. So, by the time I realized it, the run time of the movie was nearly fourteen hours and twenty seven minutes. In fact, the little kids in the movie actually grew up too. But, Ra-Sukh advised me to go ahead with the story and volunteered to act in it too. So, I got stuck with him.

Oh, these are some really startling revelations we have. So, tell me Ka-Ran, why is it that you bring the same people back on your show? I know you have your comfort zone with your chaddi buddies, but you need some fresh meat, dude!

Ah, but they are my friends, na. If I don't give them the publicity, who will yaar? Ritik, Babishek, Aish, Ra-Ni, Catrina, Jahid, Peepika, Kanbir, Shanuska, Sanveer, Ruzaane, Pohn Abraham, Kipasha, Mareena, Kaif, Ka-Jol, Monakshi...these people depend on me for their livelihood yaar. Their net-worth rockets once they come on my show.

Eh, how is that?

See, dah-ling, if I don't ask them all those silly questions and respond to their fake answers with an even more pretentious laughter, all the teenage youth of our country will not be able to get meaning for their lives. You see, I am the talent, I am the host and I am the show! In fact, even on the news, my show is breaking news

Er-let's not get distracted by self praise. I also wanted to ask you about the insanely large Coffee mugs. Why do you think you need the ahem, celebrities to sign and put it on the wall? It feels a tad pretentious.

My-naive doll....it is supposed to be like that. That's what I call drama. Let me tell you a secret. Those coffee mugs are just for the show. After the ahem, celebrities sign and put them on the wall, after the show, we actually give it to them. Hahaha...it's so funny. They think they go up on my wall. That's just a ball!

Also, as our poor man's fans eagerly want to know, why are you so interested in ahem, celebrities' personal lives? Talk about washing the dirty linen in public!

Oh-come on yaar. I can't believe you are even asking that! I take it upon myself to give all the wannabe, pretentious and self-loving people out there, what I call, a chance to peep into their stars' bedroom. You know, it gets more TRPs than current-affairs? If say, X is sleeping with Y, they are not going to admit it on TV. Or if someone says he/she is a virgin, how do you know it's the truth? So, when I play the host, my journalism skills take over. I will send X out and ask Y coyly, what is the first thing X does when he gets up? See what I did there? Invariably, Y will spill it out. And the extremely intelligent audience will figure out that X and Y are shacking up! Of course, I love to spoil the mood, with an extreme fake laugh and save the embarrassment for all! Don't you just love me?

Wow! I need some antacid now..anyway, one last question before we play our rapid fire. What is up with the gift-hamper? The ahem, celebrities can do without the additional vanity accessory!

Oh that! Muah muah...don't you love it when everyone wants that thing? It just brings out how material-centered they are! No matter how much they have, they still want that hamper. I put that just to see how vulgar and silly they look competing for that hamper. It's the bee's knees!! Muah-muah

Ok, I did not expect that. Let's move on to the rapid fire round. Let me pull out my memo-pad where I have jotted the questions...

Dah-ling, don't you have an i-pad? Chee, what is this memo-pad?

Remember Ka-Ran, this is a poor man's show. We like to keep it simple. Anyway, let's move on to the questions:

Your favourite colour?

Your favourite movie?
Parson Ho Naa Ho

Your favourite actor?

Your favourite actress?

Your favourite holiday city?
San Francisco (wink-wink)

Your favourite song?
Bole pooriyan, bole rotiyan (I used to be fat)

Your message to our poor viewers?
Love me more than you love yourself. And, don't forget to watch Koffee with Ka-Ran!

Well, that's about it. You will now receive a gift hamper from us. It includes a bowl of Konjee!! Because, we cannot afford anything else.

Oh, is it healthy dah-ling? Let me try it. Goodbye dah-ling!! We must do this again sometime!


Footnote: I am sure after reading this, you will rush to watch Koffee with Ka-Ran. After all, there are very few poor men left in this world. So, kiss my poor ass!