About Me-An Attempt

I am just a minute entity in the myriad of thoughts, reflections and introspection. The definition of "About Me" becomes a piecewise approach as opposed to an integrated one.

Monday, May 19, 2008


The mind has been acting up very frequently since the last post. The heart never gave in to writing though!

To begin with, I saw a movie which stirred my very soul. I normally do not well up during movies no matter how sentimental they are but this one was an exception. Most of you will agree and the other half probably do not have a heart! The story is set in San Francisco and is based on a true life portrayal. Will Smith plays the lead and in case you haven't already guessed, I am talking about 'The Pursuit Of HappYness". Please take the time off to see this one. It will definitely be time well spent and a lot of lessons erupt from it that could be easily applied in practical life.

Professionally, things could not have been better. The advantage of working in a core technological company means you have interactions with some truly brilliant folks by the hour. What is even more amazing is the humility each one possesses. The disadvantage is that I have to be always on my toes and leave no stone unturned so that I do not look like a fool in front of them. But the ramp-up has been good and smooth so far and not to mention exponential! I wonder how long it will be before I reach the tip of the curve and say hello to Mr.Gauss!!!

Having said that, there have been instances where the motivation and the will power does not gel in well. Such situations leave me sulking and wondering what the hell I have done to feel so out of place. Many a time, it even takes motivation to get out of bed in the morning. Many a time, I long for Saturday on a Monday morning. I have heard of Monday morning blues but this is ridiculous.

There are weeks that fly at the blink of an eye and there are some that take eons to end. There is something missing. In these times, I wonder how bad would it be to renounce all these luxuries. Simple things in life take priority. I want to work with people who have not been fortunate. I want to help save the world from Global Warming and Baptisms by Fire. I want to give more than I earn. I want to take trips to Himalayas and Dharamshala. I want to breathe clean oxygen enriched air. I want to splash cold waters of the Ganges on my face in the morning after camping on her bank during the night. I just want to escape......