About Me-An Attempt

I am just a minute entity in the myriad of thoughts, reflections and introspection. The definition of "About Me" becomes a piecewise approach as opposed to an integrated one.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Mask Behind the Face

I have been afraid and my worst fears came true
I have been living in the shadow of my alter ego
I don't have an identity of my own
I spend most of my life in calculated disgust and anguish while I make people laugh
I use wit and humour as a defense mechanism
I play the joker role to the point of no return
I let people walk over me
I am afraid to speak my mind
I always have contradictory thoughts
I am always confused
I am not creative. I cannot think out of the box. I have no imagination
I have been suppressed by myself
I am complicated
I am not forthright
I do not have complete mastery over anything. I have not been truly good at anything in my life
I have always lived in the shadow of others
I think whoever I am, whatever I am is just luck
I do not persevere enough
I think being romantic is corny. I have been bowled head over heels by only one person. I will never experience that feeling ever again in my life
I am not opinionated. I do not have clarity in my thoughts
I am not a good orator
I am not satisfied with what I have
I don't have a clue of what I am doing with my life
I don't think I can make an impact in someone's life
I will not make a good husband
I do not take well to criticism. I only get more confused by it
I cannot differentiate between hard work and smart work
I am too lazy to learn. I shirk and take the easy way out
I do not know how to handle serious responsibility
I cannot differentiate between idealism and practicality
I do not think anyone will give a shit if I suddenly die
I am easily influenced by others
I cannot concentrate on one thing ever for a short while
I cannot be one with myself
I introspect much but never act on it
I will not be able to choose a partner for myself
I will not be a good role model for my kids
I will not be able to earn true respect from my wife, family or friends

I live therefore I am
I breathe therefore I am
I exist therefore I am

I am the Mask behind the Face


Björn said...

Hey, if even you're worried about all this stuff, imagine what chance the little guys like me have :)

Anyway, you should relax. Don't let your mind be clouded by negativity.

Björn said...

If u need to talk, call me :)

Siddarth said...

Thanks Dude! I shall explain this attempt later.

Just a momentary shift towards insanity, if you may!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a faint, distant echo of familiar thoughts!

Dee said...

why so serious?? :)

in any case, your blog looks like an anti-thesis to what people usually called "affirmations", which - common sense might suggest - should definitely not be the case! !

Siddarth said...

Ah! But why do you think it is an anti-thesis to an affirmation?

Therein lies the beauty of this attempt. Different minds with different viewpoints.

No one knows if there is any lapse of reason!

Siddarth said...

Not sure to what thoughts you are referring Mr.Devil! Enlighten me with thy reason..